"I decided to work with Angela because I saw her being unapologetically herself on LinkedIn and even when that was very unpopular opinions about white supremacy, she was just being herself, and I was like I could use a dose of that. And I met her at the Authentic Lawyer Summit, and I could just feel that this person just does not give a fuck and she’s so cool. I just really felt like I was magnetized to her. I was like, she takes up a lot of space and I thought that was so cool. By working with Angela, I was able to give myself space. I really felt like a cup when I first came to see her, and now I am able to see myself as an ocean. I feel like she is a deconstruction coach because every time I come to the container, she is able to help me through deconstructing what I am thinking in a way that makes sense to me. She’s given me permission to choose myself and not what other people want from me and that I don’t even need permission to choose myself. I feel more courageous to be myself and yell at people on the street. I was actually shocked at the fact that I yell at people but people I care about were able to see more of me for who I am. Things are not as boxed in as it used to be. This has been one of the most transformational things I have ever gone through. I see more opportunity and choices I can make that I did not see before. People who are willing to be uncomfortable and be willing to completely crack yourself open and be willing to trust Angela should work with her. People who are willing to see themselves as an ocean, someone who is much bigger than they’ve been taught to be, should work with Angela."

Stephanie McDonald,
Principal Owner at Workplace Sage Legal
"I decided to work with Angela because I felt like - from what I heard in her podcast and what I read - she could understand me and could provide me actionable insights for me to be curious about and work on. I feel like I can love me for me, and I don’t have to change to live in this world. I think she really taught me to trust myself, that I do have the answers. She gave me the confidence to know that I am exactly who I need to be and I am where I need to be. And it’s a really freeing feeling. This is important because I feel like I can actually move forward vs. needing to fix something. That I have it in me. I know now that I have everything now to do what I want, make the decisions that are best for me without questioning, and I now don’t have to spend so much time questioning and I can just live. I think everyone should work with Angela. People who want to feel understood and want to learn more about what it is they want in their lives and to help connect the heart with the mind. People who want to live a whole-hearted life that is true to them and don’t feel like they have to make compromises."

Patricia Ing,
Strategy, Innovation, and Brand Leader
"I wanted to work with Angela because I did not want to be bulshitted into feeling better. I wanted the space and safety to hold contradictions without being pathologized or cheerleaded. I got exactly what I was looking for. I got to develop my knowing and my capacity to hold the contradictions and to synergize them in a way that helps me alchemize all of the pain points in my life that can serve as lessons and I got a container that was not maudlin or trite. I got a mirroring that expanded my understanding of myself and illuminated what’s already beautiful in me and in my life and magnified the power that I had to hold onto that beauty. Working with Angela is not for the faint of heart. It’s for people who are ready to own their shit and people who are ready to claim their own greatness. People who are afraid. People who don’t want to be afraid anymore. These people should work with Angela. Angela Han is a badass."

Isabelle Mussard,
Founder of Gusty Mama LLC
"I decided to coach with Angela because I wanted to spend some time investing in myself and explore what was going on with me and how they might by hindering me from growing personally and professionally. I thought Angela and I had a great connection, and she seemed like someone who is easy to talk to and would also have context and perspective, especially as a woman of color and being in the least diverse profession in the US, along with her lived experienced as a lawyer. The biggest transformation for me was awareness of my thoughts and how that plays out into how I treat myself and how I handle situations, and I am now able to handle the moments where I have negative thoughts. I am able to be nicer to myself and let go of things. I am not a let it flow type of person, but I am now able to let things go and make space for myself and allow myself to be “good enough” instead of looking for my imperfections. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Angela because a big part of coaching is not only relatability but also understanding what I am talking about and the environment and culture within which I work because all professions are different. So for me personally, it was important that Angela understood some of the sensitive topics that we discussed. That was important to me."

Danielle Allison,
"I decided to work with Angela because she comes across as such an authentic person in all the electronic ways I interacted with her. I very much value authenticity. She seemed very relatable and real and that made me want to be her friend and work with her. Before working with Angela, I felt very lost in my career and was not sure what direction to take not just in terms of the subject matter of my work but also who I am as a person and what I want and want to thrive in. I felt that other coaches were more suited to marketing and refining whatever service I was offering, and I wanted to step back into who I really am. Now, I have a better sense of what I really want at an emotional level because I was given the space to be whoever I wanted to be and be my exact perfect self. I could burst into tears if I wanted to. And by going through that process and tuning into my body and respecting my emotions and embrace that, I feel like I am reminded that who I am is what it is and I get to honor and respect who I am at this very moment. I was able to figure out what I bring to the world even if it is not what other people are looking for, and those are my strengths. I recommend working with Angela because she is a very genuine and self aware person that allows people to be completely be themselves, and that is the most important thing in moving forward with anything you are doing. She called me on my bullshit, she respected the big feelings, and she left me feeling empowered to move forward in my own life as myself. I just like that every session came with some fresh perspective on an old problem that I was able to take away and think about on my own terms. We were able to engage in insightful ways to talk about life."

Sarah Ennor,
I wanted to work with Angela because she is not full of shit. She was like. “this is who I am, take it or leave it. I am a messy, full human.” I am also a messy, full human. And a lot of people I see out there are “you should work with me because I have it all together and figured out and I know how to fix all the things” and I was like fuck that bullshit. Fucking own your shit. I am not working with someone who is trying to turn me into a perfect person. I already put myself under pressure already to be perfect. Angela honors the truth of humanity. After working with Angela, I feel like I have more permission to simply acknowledge and accept the messy parts of myself without feeling the need to change that. I can accept more of myself and more of my value without pressure to change everything. There is value in the mess. People who want to embrace their unconventionalness and people who are not full of shit and people who don’t want to be full of shit anymore should work with Angela. Because I think that the most beautiful thing that she has to offer is honesty about the human condition and embracing that. And if you think that you should be absolutely perfect and farting rainbows all the time, then find somebody who will put a crystal up your butthole. Go to the local crystal store so you can shit rainbow out of your ass. I love her realness."

Laura Fisher,
"I decided to work with Angela after she posted about coaching through anger, something not really talked about on Linkedin or in relation to work. Her coaching seemed like it would be very valuable because Angela is so authentic compared to other people whose posts appeared on my feed. (And because she is Asian and not a bro slinging platitudes in his overpriced t-shirt.) As a result of working with Angela, I have become significantly more empowered, both as a professional and as a person. Angela created a place to discuss feelings that I don’t think are always welcome in a "professional" setting. If you want support (coaching) as you build your own space in the professional system, I would strongly recommend that you work with Angela. She is a great listener, who has really thoughtful feedback - and with whom you can be your authentic self."

Yuki Matsushima,
Sr. Commercial Counsel
"I decided to work with Angela because I loved the idea of accessing anger and working with someone who specifically looked at that emotion, which I have disregarded for many years and made myself wrong for having them. The journey was much deeper. Even though the anger was the draw, all the other emotions, every emotion possible on the spectrum, I experienced in the container in a way that was safe and powerful. The whole thing has been so transformative for me. The decisions I have been mulling over for over four years was so much easier even after just one session. It just felt so clear because of the intense depth we went in each session. All decisions. Anyone that has done any coaching program before and thinks that they’re fixed but they still want to do something more radical with their life and want to go deep and change the entire planet, they should work with Angela. If you have gone through traditional coach training or therapy, you get so much more with Angela. You don’t even know you need that but you do need that. Anyone that is okay or even thriving in their life but cannot access their anger for some reason or just don’t feel good if they are sad or there are some off limit emotions, you need to come to Angela because she will make that into your life purpose and turn it into your superpower. Don’t think about it, just feel into it. If you have felt any connection to anything Angela has shared, laughed or cried or even triggered, that means she is the perfect coach and this is the perfect container for you to be in."

Janay Anderson,
Manager of Operational Due Diligence
"I came to Angela when I was facing family and life challenges and wasn’t really sure and was feeling like I was on autopilot. I was stressed and not super happy with it, and I wanted to figure out if the current path was my right path. I got clarity and peace of mind working with Angela. I became way more comfortable with my decisions after working them through with Angela. I still have some things that are uncertain in my life because we can’t predict anything but I feel way way more comfortable about my decisions and how to view that and how that relates with the rest of my life. This was important because I tend to ruminate but I got a sense of clarity and peace of mind. I decided to work with Angela again a year after the first time I worked with her because the first time I was facing a real crisis and was desperate for immediate help, and I got through that phase and thrived. I was facing a new set of challenges and uncertainty and needed help figuring things out, and I came back to Angela because she understands the field and is very open and honest about it. I also saw her ability to cut through the crap and help me reflect on what I am thinking and what I actually want to do and who I actually am. Work with Angela especially if you are a lawyer who is unsure or uncertain about decisions or facing obstacles in their career path or facing a crisis or going through imposter syndrome or how to balance it with everything else. Especially in the darkest times, I really appreciated that I had support with someone who would really hear me out and it helped me get through the weeks. Maybe on a Monday or Tuesday, I would deal with horrible shit, and if I was going to meet Angela on Thursday, I knew I had an anchor and I always felt better. I always made progress and helped myself after each meeting."

Litigation Associate,
Big Law
"I decided to work with Angela because I had the feeling that she could understand the way my brain worked. It felt like she was on the same wavelength as I was in. I just knew I needed and wanted some sort of support in several areas of my personal life, which was affecting my business at the time and I really wanted someone to help me look into my brain and my thoughts and help unpack and unravel what was going on. I really wanted someone who could really understand me. Working with Angela helped me really regain a sense of clarity over who I am and what I want to do in my life, business, and career. It felt like a revival, like the sparkle reigniting and bursting again. It took off the baggage that was dimming my shine and the shine came back. Before working with Angela, I felt heavy while all these life transitions were happening in my life, career, and entrepreneurship. I felt a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness, and I felt out of control. After working with Angela, I feel like a sparkle emoji. It feels like the heaviness of those layers have been shed, so I am able to tap into the inner resources to have my creativity shine. Angela’s thought-provoking metaphors have really helped me execute on my resourcefulness. I highly recommend working with Angela because this container gave me so many new things to think about. A lot of questions, it took me time to process, but it is very thought-provoking, while also being light and entertaining. I felt jovial on these calls because it was a space where I could just be because during the week it felt like I had to be “on.” This space let me be me and be a client and just receive and feel luxurious. It is not something we get usually on a weekly basis."

Cheryl Lau,
Side Hustle Coach, The Side Hustle Club Podcast