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I really have no idea what I want in life. Should I still explore coaching?

Yes, but only if you are 100% committed to finding out what you really want.


I’ve worked with a coach before, but it didn’t go so well. How do I know you’ll be the right fit?

You don’t. That’s why we should have the call so you can find out.


Coaching is only for people who have so much money flying around. I don’t have money flying around like that. Should I still explore coaching?

I invested in coaching with every penny I earned in my business. It was the greatest amount of money I ever invested. I doubled my investment the following month and quadrupled it within 3 months. The reason you need coaching is to have the thing you think you don’t have to get coaching. The transformation is in the transaction.


Why should I listen to you?

Because I’ve worked with lawyers all over the world to help them get exactly what they want in life. I’ve talked with hundreds of lawyers, enough to recognize the patterns required to live a fulfilled life as a lawyer. It’s possible, and it starts with asking for help.


I don’t need coaching. I already know everything. Why should I talk to you?

If you already know what works, why aren’t some things still not working in your life?

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