The Magical Lawyer
Welcome to this sacred 4-month 1:1 coaching container for the accomplished lawyer who wants more.
Imagine being able to:
Wake up without dread. Take your confidence to the next level.
Never say “I am holding myself back” ever again. That is not a thing.
Stop feeling like your face hurts every time you smile because it feels so contrived.
How does that sound?
You are an original masterpiece.
You might be here because there is a part of you that continues to be misunderstood and stifled.
And there is an even greater part of you that wants to be understood deeply.
You also want to understand yourself: why do I have all these weird thoughts that feel so “off” but at the same time, very right?
If this resonates, you are in the right place.
This is a place for those of us who feel like we don't quite belong even after a lifetime of achievement and having "made it."
Why are we so different?
Because deep down, we know are human beings first.
You are finally seeing this after putting your career first for years.
That humanity inside of you has an important message to share, and we are here to finally listen to it.
"I decided to coach with Angela because I wanted to spend some time investing in myself and explore what was going on with me and how they might by hindering me from growing personally and professionally. I thought Angela and I had a great connection, and she seemed like someone who is easy to talk to and would also have context and perspective, especially as a woman of color and being in the least diverse profession in the US, along with her lived experienced as a lawyer. The biggest transformation for me was awareness of my thoughts and how that plays out into how I treat myself and how I handle situations, and I am now able to handle the moments where I have negative thoughts. I am able to be nicer to myself and let go of things. I am not a let it flow type of person, but I am now able to let things go and make space for myself and allow myself to be “good enough” instead of looking for my imperfections. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Angela because a big part of coaching is not only relatability but also understanding what I am talking about and the environment and culture within which I work because all professions are different. So for me personally, it was important that Angela understood some of the sensitive topics that we discussed. That was important to me."
Danielle Allison
In our 4 month container, we boycott all the practiced and socialized ideas of who we are.
If you are feeling caged, you are not the only one.
And you do not have to stay silent.
Around these parts, we honor your desires first.
We create from possibility, not limitation.
We build from enoughness, not lack.
This can mean waking up to your day without dread.
Or rekindling your relationship with your loved ones.
There is no "right" desire.
Just your desires.
And we are here to fulfill them, no matter what *anybody* says.
Because if your soul is desiring something, it is desiring it for a reason.
"I decided to hire Angela because her social media profile brought her to life and I felt like I knew her before I ever even talked to her. I wanted life coaching because I am doing well and just wanted to feel good about my success. I am already successful, and I just needed to feel good about that success. This is so important because being able to hold a mirror and see my own true self allowed me to have a peace of mind and celebrate myself. Angela helped me hold that mirror for myself. She didn’t hold the mirror for me. I didn’t only feel good about myself but truly experience myself and be more of myself. Because of coaching, I am a more content person, I can see joy, and I can share joy more freely, and I can acknowledge my position in the world as being tiny and irrelevant and at the same time life-changing for the people I care about. I recommend coaching with Angela because it is completely transformational. To spend time with someone who cares deeply about whatever it is that you want to accomplish and do and who helps you to find YOUR path, not a prescribed path is so transformational. Somehow Angela has this gift of challenging me without prescribing a path or a methodology. She offers true support. I just can’t say enough great words about her."
Patti Macdonald
Partner at Bishop & McKenzie LLP
In here, we mute the noise in your head for good. (really)
When you:
Create your own sense of belonging
Never feel like you need to pretend to be like anyone else
Become best friends with your own brain and body and stop fighting it
“Reducing overwhelm,” “having more time and energy,” “being more motivated and productive,” become bonus side effects of who you are already being.
We will actually start planning and executing on the crazy ideas that you have had brewing on the back burner because your magic is simply aching to be expressed out into the world.
Whatever your "healthy" looks like, whatever your "leadership" looks like, whatever your "love" looks like, we're going to paint a fucking masterpiece of it all...and your own brain and body will finally come back alive the way you want them to.
"I would highly recommend coaching with Angela to other people because it was life-changing for me. It feels like it just helped me to uncover all the stuff that was already there and helped me to run toward myself. Before, I was like tiptoeing or afraid to run, and now I’m just like running like Forrest Gump towards myself. I trust my feelings a lot more instead of overthinking everything, instead of focusing on all the hurdles. I’m just going to keep running. Angela really helped me be myself for my business instead of wondering what I’m supposed to be. I enjoy showing up for my business way more and have doubled my following on LinkedIn just by showing up and being comfortable as who I am. It is so hard to put into words, but it is one of the best decisions I’ve made because I feel like I had all these pieces, and all the pieces were there, but they weren’t all together and whole, and now through our work, I was able to put everything together and put all the right colors on there and add more color to create my own magic."
Loretta Olesky
Lawyer and Mindful Life & Work Coach
When we work together, here are the results you will see almost immediately:
Show up in a way where people cannot wait to devour more of you. Whether you are building your own practice or moving up the ladder or leaving the law altogether, feel so at home in your body that confidence comes to you naturally and inevitably draws in the right clients, mentors, and sponsors for who you actually are, not the buttoned-up version of who you are.
Be so resourceful that it’s impossible to find yourself feeling stuck and helpless. Stop feeling like you’re feeling like a banana peel stuck on the back of a truck even when everything looks good on paper because you know who you are and where you are going no matter what the world looks like or feels like.
Alchemize even the “shittiest” parts of yourself so that other people’s opinions remain inconsequential to your magic. Get out of the constant ping pong game of bouncing between “I am really great” and “I am really fucked up.” Know exactly how you are “fucked up” and use that to find your community, your fairy tale job, and the kind of calendar that energizes you and not drains every ounce out of you.
Feel in control while shit is hitting the fan. Even when you are finding yourself in impossible situations, like: trying to complete a completely new creative project after decades of lawyering, committing to what lights you up while you’re knee-deep in commitments for other people, mending your relationship to your family after a lifetime of trauma.
Know how to process any emotion and turn it into useful fuel. Stop the never-ending fight with your emotions where you fight with every muscle to get the anger, resentment, shame, and guilt out of your system, only to lose every single time. Start feeling like a winner because you know exactly how to handle the impossible emotions that come back bigger and scarier.
"I decided to coach with Angela after hearing her on a podcast and felt a connection based on the words she was saying. She made me stop and think about where I am. It was an almost instant awareness of what I needed to stop and think about myself. Before, I never invested in myself. I didn’t think I was worth investing in. So I went to a dark burnt out place. After, I realized investing in myself wasn’t such a horrible thing. It was a healthy choice to get me out of a place where I was ruled by other people rather than ruling my own life. Now, I recognize that I need to put myself first in my world to serve other people to the best of my ability. Before, I was scared, burnt out, probably depressed. Now, I am definitely refreshed. My passion has been re-lit. I appreciate the found skill in being able to be self aware and be self-reflective. It is one of the best decisions I’ve made because it allowed me to explore and understand where I was and why I was there. I recommend coaching with Angela to other people because she challenges me to do hard things and it is helpful to actually apply what you would read in self development books."
Amy Shields
Barrister & Solicitor, Shields Law Office
What happens when you permanently embody all of these results?
For me, to start: I built a multiple six figure business, got a promotion, got a raise and a bonus all in the same year. And I had two kids.
And then I changed my mind and decided to quit my job and spend time with my family with 100% certainty and without guilt or shame.
But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Because those are all just side effects of knowing who I am and where I am going.
I feel more turned on by my more life. I am having better sex. I no longer think my marriage needs to be “worked on.”
Parenting no longer feels like a deficient performance.
Entrepreneurship no longer feels unsafe because I create my own safety.
And before all this, I had mastered the art of being a professional lawyer on my own terms before I quit because the height of my art no longer interested me.
And in the background: more time, more energy, little to no overwhelm, and profound self trust. Perfectionism and people-pleasing are part of a distant past.
Just ten years ago, I was drowning in culture shock as an immigrant, several years into an eating disorder, and afraid to fully exist in this world.
Now, whether I am in bed, on the screen, or on the toilet, I am living in a massive playground. I am engineering my own amusement park.
"The biggest change through coaching was distinctly an increase in self-confidence and awareness of self-confidence. I would recommend this to lawyers because having an outside objective person gives me an honest critique of myself and allows me to see what I am not able to see without that objectivity. It is one of my best decisions because it has improved my life. Without self confidence and self-awareness, you’re kind of in the dark. And it is the best decision because I invested in myself and there is a return on that. I can’t place a value on it. It’s so important that I can’t even think of the word. It is priceless."
Robbie Paluck
Of Counsel at Ford Richardson
That is how I feel about my life.
My fancy law degree has no control over me.
No one is the boss of me and what I do and what I say.
There is no comment or action that affects my understanding of who I am.
Matt Jackson,
Criminal Defense Attorney
"I found out about Angela through my wife who follows her on LinkedIn, and at first I was a little skeptical that there would be someone that could make me think differently about the circumstances I was in. I didn’t think anyone who was not actively helping me look for a job would actually be able to help me at all. I decided to start working with Angela because nothing else I was doing was working and knew I needed to change my way of thinking in order to change my reality. I knew that I wanted to give it a try if I wanted to be successful. Coaching with Angela helped me realize even more that it didn’t matter what job I got, it was more important to be in the right headspace so I could get the right job.
"I came to Angela feeling overwhelmed with finding a job in the job market and was feeling like I didn’t have a lot to offer and that I needed to just take the first job because why would anyone hire me. Now, I know more of what I have to offer now and that I can have more of a say in what type of jobs I have or where I work and don’t have to just accept what comes to me. I know I can find the perfect job for me anytime. I may have already found it where I am now, but I also know that it is available to me in any setting at any time. I have that power. I recommend other people work with Angela, especially people who aren’t feeling confident about their skills or finding a job because she creates a comfortable environment where I feel open to share even the most personal things, which are important for this process. She doesn’t just try to give people answers, she gives me tools to figure out answers for myself. I find myself looking forward to my calls with Angela each week."
How do I create a lifetime of permanent results?
By being fully aware of what is mine and not mine.
Processing my thoughts and emotions in a messy but methodical way.
Knowing that my results are 100% my responsibility and owning it.
Freedom. Play. Fun. Hard work for what you actually care about.
Endless possibilities.
My clients?
Because they were able to build their own amusement parks, these were some of the side effects:
Build a profitable practice without having to sacrifice their devotion to family because they are finally seeing their inherent value no matter what they are doing, whether they are scrolling through LinkedIn or drafting a memo or finally reading their favorite book.
Manage a team with confidence by completely changing the way their see difficult conversations because they know exactly what their vision as as a leader, even if it is their first time in a managing position.
Build and nurture a growing team as experienced leaders in their field, company, and firm because they know how to speak from the heart without compromising relationships. In fact, the more they speak from knowing who they really are, the more they are able to build trust and redefine professionalism. The result? Even more expansive results for their clients.
Quit a toxic job while creating safety in both their minds in their bank accounts because they are no longer giving into the drama that keeps their wheels spinning to no end. Instead, they have certainty in themselves while everything else around them feels uncertain because they know what their own unique inner compass looks like.
And this is just to name a few.
"I was at a pretty low place, had lost a lot of confidence, and felt stuck. What I did was not working anymore and was caring about what other people think. Fast forward, I have learned to not care what other people think to be able to block out the noise and be more comfortable in my feelings, negative or positive, and have more confidence in my capabilities. It was one of the best decisions I made for myself because Angela came into my life when I needed it the most and got me out of a place where I have never been before. I would recommend Angela’s coaching to other people because she is magical."
Summer Eberhard
Partner at Major, Lindsey, & Africa
These are the exact steps to creating these results:
Identify your true self’s desires, no matter how mundane or crazy they may sound.
Craft a process to fulfill your desires.
Identify the sources that are draining your time, energy, and resources.
Identify the powerful thoughts that will create results you've never seen before.
Create a permanent sense of resourcefulness to solve whatever problem gets in the way.
We will work together for four months, meeting 55 minutes each week.
Who is the best fit for this container?
This experience is for the highly accomplished lawyer who has checked off all the boxes and is aching to go for something different. Here are some of your qualities:
You are surprised at how far you have come because you feel frustrated and anxious all the time.
You want to create an even greater impact on the world with all that you have achieved.
You want to feel like living in your own mind and body is sustainable in the long term.
You are confused why you are able to solve some of the greatest problems except your own.
You are so annoyed with yourself that you can't just be satisfied by what you have.
All the're killing it on the outside.
You are here because you want to feel more congruent between your inside self and your outside self.
"Happy I did it because it provoked me to get the help I needed, like hiring consultants, help around the house, and therapy. I became more cognizant of my feelings, moving away from toxic positivity to effective positivity. The last year and a half has felt like I’ve been faking it til I make it but now I feel like I am actually making it. I would recommend to other people because it would be very useful to get direction and bounce ideas off with. People who do not have direction will benefit from this."
Karyn DeSena
General Counsel
"I recommend coaching with Angela because it is helpful to have someone available to help you identify your goals and connect with your motivation and reinforce good habits around setting the direction in your career and lifestyle. Coaching helped me think about the direction of my personal and professional life during a period of lot of change following the pandemic and some big life changes. It was a great decision because it is helpful to have someone who has navigated similar experiences as a minority lawyer in this industry who can help you identify your motivation and encourage you to set your own direction."
Neal S.
Big Law Partner
"I hired Angela to help me get out of my own way. At the time, I was in such a stress cycle, caught in the cycle, couldn’t get out of it so I hired her to help me open the door a little bit to get out of that and see more clearly. Angela helped me see that I had the answers all along. I see the circumstances I was trapped in, other people’s expectations, and now I am able to come out of that tangled mess that I was in and am able to live for myself. I now know that it is okay to do that and that I don’t have to stay in a stressful place like a cage just because other people expect me to be in that cage. I can open the cage and walk out of it and live my life the way I choose. And that choice could change every day, and that’s okay. The biggest change that I have seen in my life after working with Angela is that the tension I felt in my physical body has released. I had this block for years that was crippling, and working with Angela has helped me untangle this web and knot, and my body is just relaxed, and I can breathe. I absolutely recommend coaching with Angela because she meets you with compassion and challenges you to question the long held beliefs and patterns to see that I had the answers all along."
April S.
Senior Vice President and Associate General Counsel
We will work together for four months, meeting 55 minutes each week.
During each session, we will:
👏🏻Celebrate and evaluate your wins so you can continue creating more of it in your life on an on-demand basis
👏🏻Rewire your thoughts and neural pathways to revise your approach to your circumstances so that you are no longer draining hours upon hours of your time, including the ways you think you are “holding yourself back”
👏🏻Craft your own personal “homework” to convert all the coaching into your own unique method of approaching any problem so that you are writing your own story with confidence
Imagine creating a permanent embodiment of everything that you ever desired to be, do, and have.
These are standard results in my practice as a life coach.
You are here because you are ready to believe that you are not broken beyond repair, and ready to see that you are the only person who determines that you are ready.
The one-time investment for this alchemical container is $10,000.
A lifetime of results. A permanent rewiring of your brain to defeat the false constructs that have kept you quiet for too long.
This is all available to you right now.
"I decided to get coaching with Angela because her messages on LinkedIn resonated more and more with me until I got to a point where I felt sure that it would be a good experience. I was in a place where I knew I needed something that I couldn’t put my finger on exactly, but it was getting in the way of a lot of things. Through working with Angela and now, while there are still going to be difficulties and challenges, I feel more grounded in how to go through everything. I feel like I have this tree that I know it’s there that I can hang on to. I recommend coaching with Angela to other people if they are in the right place to accept the change in their lives and how they view their response to the world. It’s a commitment but it is one that feels like, once you decide to do it, right form the beginning, it feels like the right decision. Even though I had been thinking about it and had not been sure for a while, somehow it felt right the moment I made a decision about it. That doesn’t always happen with me."
Katy Van Pelt
Head Of Compliance at Arcus Biosciences & Co-Founder of Triseka
Questions & Answers
What if I have a really unique problem that no one could possibly understand?
One of my dirty pleasures is indulging in the idea that I have a really unique problem that no one can understand. It feels comfortable to think that your problem cannot be solved because it allows you to think that it is fine to stay where you are.
We love being a mystery that cannot be solved because, God forbid, what if there is not much after we solve the great big problem?
Having been on the other side many times with myself and all my clients, here’s the truth: you will always forever be a mystery because there are endless layers to uncover who we really are, and nobody tells you how exhilarating and fantastic and real it all feels.
The real question is, are you down for that psychedelic experience…without the use of psychedelic drugs?
Is there a money back guarantee?
How do I really know if this is the right experience for me?
After all this information that you now have, it is logically impossible for you to not know what you are consenting to.
Outside the logical realm, what is your body telling you? If you can feel yourself approaching an orgasmic experience at the thought of becoming a magical lawyer, all that is left for you to do is follow your body. I mean, would you leave anyone hanging after all the foreplay?
Do you offer any trial sessions? I just think I need to try it out and see if it works for me.
We make decisions without every molecule of information all the time. Kind of like the way we purchase our dream home even though we don’t know every crevice we need to fix or remodel.
And sometimes, even when we have every molecule of information, and that information tells us that it would be the WORST decision to make, we will go ahead anyway.
Kind of like when we decide to flirt with someone that we know is absolutely not good for us. Why? Because we follow this undeniable desire to have it. If you do not have that undeniable desire to have what I am offering, this is not the right time for you to go for it.
What sets you apart from all other coaches?
If you have to ask me this question at this point, we are not the right fit.
What can I do to make the most out of this experience?
This is the best question.
You will have to put in lots of work to arrive at the place you want to be. When you do, you will arrive there.
That means you show up prepared to talk about what you have been avoiding. The thoughts that keep you awake at night. The feelings you are embarrassed about. The experiences you feel ashamed about.
Putting in the work also means deciding to trust yourself, me, and the process even if it feels scary to trust it all. Having your own back and being willing to be coached on how to have your own back when it feels hard. Being available for what feels hard and impossible because you have a deep knowing that you are capable of handling it.
You are here because you know you are capable of all of that.
I can’t believe I finally found someone who actually gets me. I’m in! What’s next?
Woohoo! Submit your application. Have fun with it. Get a glimpse of yourself in another way. Kind of like a kinky flirt session with yourself.
Once you submit, you’ll hear back from me within 2 business days. If you are accepted, your one-time payment of $10,000 will be due within 24 hours of the acceptance notification.
Once you make payment, you will receive instructions on how to make your first appointment.
Welcome to one of the most mind-blowing experiences known to humankind!